Screen-free activities for kids over summer break, outdoors and indoors.

Screen-free activities for kids over summer break, outdoors and indoors.
Many parents are seeking new ideas for fun activities that don't involve screens to keep kids entertained and creative—during the quarantine, screen time for kids increased significantly as it became their primary way of connecting with friends and receiving education. However, to restore balance in our lives and make the most of this summer as a family (rather than being physically together but mentally apart), we have compiled a list of enjoyable screen-free activities for kids to engage in during summer break. Additionally, you may find links to the products that will keep your kid screen-free during summer break time.  
kids playing, summer play kids time, kids summer play
Play with water. Engage in water-based activities. Lately, toddlers have developed an intense fascination with water tables, splash pools, and inflatable pools. They can happily spend hours on the back porch, dressed in their swimsuits, simply splashing their toys in the inflatable kid’s pool. Incorporating fantastic inflatable sprinklers, such as the Groovy Giraffe Play Pool, the Life Guard Tower Pool Play  mentioned here, or even the Hot Tub Spa , would elevate your backyard to awesomeness this summer. Even on rainy days, you can create a fun and mess-free water play experience by setting up one of these pools filled with balls in your basement so kids can have unstoppable fun.
Ride on E-vehicle: Allow your children to embrace the fun of e-scooters and e-bikes during summer, enabling them to develop balance skills and enjoy the outdoors. Take them to trails, parks, and other suitable locations where they can comfortably ride their electric scooters, e-bikes, and ATVs. Remember to prioritize their safety by ensuring they wear helmets for maximum precautions. Organizing themed "ride and play" play dates can be an excellent idea, where your kids and their friends can ride their vehicles together while incorporating a specific theme like road safety. They can learn about and follow road traffic rules while earning stickers and riding e-bikes and e-scooters. It's an excellent approach to educating children while engaging them in playful activities.
kids ebike, kids scooter, kids escooter, kids electric bike, kids atv
Embark on a learning journey: Children possess incredible potential for growth, and engaging them in new skills and activities during this stage is an excellent way to make the most of their time while minimizing screen time. Hoverboards designed for kids offer an exciting outdoor experience. Mastering the art of self-balancing scooters adds to the enjoyment and allows them to adore the accompanying lights and music. It is worth considering hoverboards such as the Pro 6.0, which are UL2272 certified, ensuring they meet all safety standards mandated by the government and provide a secure riding experience for your children.
kids hoverboard, kids self balancing scooter, kids safe hoverboard
Add Fidget Toys in the collection: Frequently targeted towards children, fidget toys are portable devices designed to aid concentration and reduce stress. You can easily carry them or give them to kids while you are busy working and do not want them to have screen time. These toys also enhance learning capabilities. Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to substantiate their advantages, they are widely utilized and endorsed by researchers.
fidget toys, portable toys for kids
The activities are just a few screen-free options to consider adding to your list for this summer break. Additionally, subscribe to to stay updated on the latest deals for the products you are seeking.

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