There has been a growing appreciation for electric scooters, not only in Toronto but around the world. These e-mobility vehicles are very easy to use, offering great convenience to its riders with long ranges and fast speeds. To put simply, an electric scooter provides a way to travel that gives you the best elements of a car (getting to your desired destinations quickly and safely) and a bike (easily maneuver with no traffic) all in one while being environmentally friendly. You can get some fresh air, enjoy the sun, avoid traffic, and the wait for public transit all while riding to work, or just cruising around. With the recent launch of a 5 year pilot plan legalizing the use of electric scooters in Ontario, it's the perfect time to take advantage of these micro-mobility vehicles and experience the difference yourself. Still not sure if electric scooters are for you? Well here are some reasons that may get you to reconsider.
More Savings = More Money For Things You Love
We all know travelling in general can be costly, especially if you're travelling by car or public transport. To put some numbers to it, let's say it costs $60 to fill your car once a week, monthly that would be around $250, and in a year, that would be roughly $3000 (and I haven't even mentioned the cost of paid parking yet...let that sink in). Just imagine all the things these savings could be used for; you can put it towards travelling more, paying bills, buying a house, getting that make-up palette you've been eyeing (guilty), clothes, groceries, etc. I know you're thinking "but electric scooters are expensive", you're right. There is an upfront cost to getting a electric scooter, but that one-time payment ends up saving you way more over time from having to continuously deal with parking, gas, transit costs, or car maintenance that comes with the usual methods of transportation. For example, let's say it roughly costs $10 to commute to and from work in Toronto (i.e. TTC or Go Transit), and an electric scooter costs $500, in just 50 days you've already earned back the scooter costs and then some! That's a little less than 2 months before you to start seeing savings from your electric scooter.
Not only do electric scooter save you money, but they also save you time. Besides the occasional foot traffic, you are no longer a victim of the godforsaken bumper-to-bumper traffic that sometimes takes hourss to clear. You no longer have to deal with transit delays, or the struggle to find parking, giving you more time in your days to dedicate towards your essential tasks, or even just more time to yourself.
Another way to look at it is if you often or sometimes use Uber or Lyft. In the spirit of convenience, these companies get a lot of attention because of the easy-to-use and money-saving nature to them, resulting in 46% of the rides being under 4 km, and 32% between 3-16 km. Isn't that crazy? To put into perspective, all those rides between 1-25 km could be FREE with the use of an electric scooter and potentially faster (with no traffic). There would be no more waiting for your Uber or Lyft, or having those awkward car conversations when you don't feel like talking. Think about it, for all you short commuters, which method is really offering you convenience and savings?
Environmentally Friendly
Now that we've talked about the savings that come with an electric scooter, we can't forget the environmental gain from them as well. Electric cars are on the up-rise with the energy saving and economical capabilities of them, but not all of us have electric car money (trust me, I know). An electric scooter gives you the best of both worlds; experience the economical gain and environmental benefits of electric mobility, with the efficiency of a conventional vehicle. E-scooters take a fraction of the energy compared to a 3,000-4,000 lb. car or SUV, being more than 1,000% more efficient per mile than the average combustion vehicle based on the energy needed to move them. Just imagine the difference that would make in the city with helping to prolong the life of the environment. There'd be less cars on the roads, less material being needed to produce these cars, which also means less C02 emissions. It's the friendlier option all-around with continued benefits.
Now it's up to you to decide. I've given you all the benefits that comes with an electric scooter for short commutes in terms of saving you time, money, and the environment. So just ask yourself, how much do you realllyyy need to drive a car?